Top 4 Interesting Facts about horticulture:


Most of us might be aware of the fact that horticulture is one of the major artworks in plantation and vegetation field. A large number of us are interested in artworks and why not do that with plants and vegetables. But even though we love the art of horticulture there are a lot of things that we do not know about horticulture. So here we are listing some of the interesting facts about horticulture its types and other interesting features of the art.

America’s Contribution:

Though America is one of the technologically developed countries of the world, they have not given up on agriculture as well. Not many of know that they more than 65% of the nation’s wealth in terms of vegetation only through the act of agriculture. Almost about 80% of what they hold for sales from the art of horticulture is sold out in the US markets. This way they also make huge profits and global growth as well.

Types of horticulture:

Most of us relate the word horticulture to flowers and plants alone, and we do not know that there are different types of them in horticulture. Broadly there are five major types of horticulture. The first one is floriculture which is the art of decorating with flowers, then pomology the art of decorating with fruits, the next one is plant propagation that works on creating art with the help of small plants, shrubs, bulbs and other crops. The next one is olericulture that including vegetables as a part of the art. Though as a fifth type we add landscape horticulture as a type, it completely a different act. It is the act of preserving the landscape plants through art. It can also be done at home.


Ornamental horticulture:

While horticulture is always about planting and growing plants the way you want your art to look, this one is quite different. Instead of focusing on growing plants that way they have to look, in ornamental horticulture, the plants are used decoratively either as and when they are in the form of plants or after they are cut. If the artwork is done after cutting them off the trees and plants, then preservatives are added to make it look natural, fresh and alive for over a period, and they are kept for display. This is what we call ornamental horticulture. It requires a lot of creativity for a person to score well here.

Societies for horticulture:

There are also a lot of societies for horticulture that function across the globe to take care of the horticultural requirements. They aim to protect the interests of the people and to preserve and protect agriculture, vegetation and to promote the growth of plants.